Всякая всячина в Ташкенте
Подошвы обувные // Фасон 3620 в Ташкенте
- 08.02.2024, 11:33
- Узбекистан, Ташкент
- Просмотров: 15
Подошвы обувные // Фасон 3620
Размерный ряд 38-47
Материал: ТЭП. Повышенная износоустойчивость.
Цвет подошвы: черный, бежевый, зеленый.
Производим подошву с логотипом заказчика.
Фасон для повседневной обуви.
Работы в офисе, учебных заведениях.
Тип объявления:
Продам, продажа, продаю
Информация о компании, которая разместила объявление:
Furnitur-BY LLC is the largest company on the CIS territory, which specializes in production and procurement of shoe, sewing and haberdashery accessories from metal and plastic as well as the materials used for shoe production.
In spite of the fact that the volumes of production are growing our company always fulfill all the obligations undertaken and this makes us a reliable partner for captains of light industry in the CIS countries. Since 2017, we have entered new sales markets in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Furnitur-BY LLC is always where high quality, optimal price and a warranty of timely delivery are required.
We are using the highest modern world-class equipment (OMPSA, MOSSINI, IMEL, DM, etc.) at our production workshops. The technical personnel annually improve their qualification skills attending training courses in Germany and Italy. We do love what we make and we use to suppose that there are no little things when creating and producing the hardware! The painstaking work of our employees allows us to introduce advanced technologies and to manufacture products of the highest quality, controlling the production process at all the steps, starting from the development of technical documentation to the serial production and packaging.
There are more than 100 highly qualified specialists in our company. Production, marketing, sales, logistics, certification services are just a small part of what we truly understand and suggest to our customers, ensuring them with the reliability.
Long-term partnership with the best manufacturers from 11 countries allows to offer the widest range of shoe accessories, materials and components on the Belorussian market. The price policy of FURNITUR-BY LLC is intended for various categories of consumers and for the optimal balance of price and quality of products.
Over 15 years, the company made a long way in establishment and development, to be credible for over 1,500 of customers. Shoe factories, sewing enterprises and haberdashery productions located in the Republic of Belarus and beyond it, have appreciated the advantages of cooperation with Furnitur-BY LLC as we offer “transparent” conditions of cooperation, efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions proposed. We will continue to justify the expected confidence, continuously developing and improving ourselves!
Действия с объявлением #1742695
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Сохраните или сообщите о нарушении
Alex Furnitur
- Зарегистрирован: 26.01.2024
- Активность: 08.02.2024
- Minsk
- 220118,Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroitelei av.31
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Alex Furnitur
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