
PHP Coders, Web - programmer. в Ташкенте

Fully Qualied PHP Coders with 3 Years Experience and a good understanding of MYSQL Database Architecture.

Previous Experience of Joomla 1.5 and OsCommerce is Advantageous.

We prefer all our coders to work from our Tashkent Office, however for the right Candidates, we are prepared for then to work from Either Samarkand of Navoi.

The salary offered will be based on your existing salary, salary expectation and the market average for the respective position.

Please send your CV / Resume to recruitment@jansencorporation.co.uk and advise when you would be able to start and that of your salary expectation.

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Услуги, предлагаю

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Поделитесь объявлением PHP Coders, Web - programmer. с друзьями, знакомыми, потенциальными клиентами, используйте для этого социальные сети, мессенджеры. Это придаст объявлению популярности и эффект многократно повысится.

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