
LTS TRAINING English, IELTS, Germany, Korean, Arabic, French, Chinese в Ташкенте

Once upon a time there lived two friends, Boris and Fedor. Both of them dreamed about emigrating to a rich country and living a nice life. Boris was a practical man and he thought that it would be good if he learned a language of the country he wanted to emigrate. So he went ro a language training course (now you know where exactly he went) and studied hard for two years. Fedor belived that the specialization he had by education would help him to get a job easely and so, he did not study any foreing language. Some time later both of them emigrated and both of them got a job there.

However, one started working in a shop as a shop assistant, the other - behind the shop as a dogsbody, doing kind of work nobody would do.

Recently I got an email from both of them. One said that he lives in a nice house, drives a nice car, eats out often in a luctury restourant and so on. the other writes that he still does not speak the language, and so he cannot even complaine when treated badly.

My dear reader, I think it is not a difficult task for you to guess who is who in this story. Will you be wise ehough to come to our place and start studying in our LTS TRAINING. For more just type three letters and extention for uzbekistan.
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